Saturday, November 14, 2015

"Call Me Ishmael ... Moby Dick -- Herman Melville"

Picture Credits:

"Gregory Peck as Ahab, Captain of the Whaler Pequod" -- Not Known
"Eye" --

November 14, 1851

"Herman Melville's Moby Dick -- based on the exploits of Mocha Dick, who reportedly wrecked seven ships and 20 boats and killed at least 30 men -- is published by 
Harper & Brothers in New York."


  1. Supposedly this opening line is one of the (two) most famous ever. It sets us up with first person narrative, it's refreshingly brief, but why else it's noteworthy is beyond me.. . .

    1. Can't say why ... I find the name "Ishmael" interesting and it reminds me of an inside joke.


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