Friday, July 03, 2015

Journal Entry -- July 3, 2015

A few weeks ago I began an interesting exercise – transcribing my stained, torn, and mildewed journals into electronic format and printing them onto fresh paper.  I’ve finished the transcribing and now need to have the journals bound.

I transcribed a total of four journals that covered my teenage years through the early 1980s. Some of the material holds promise for jumping-off points for new pieces. Some of the material is surprisingly good while some of it reflects the angst of a very young person.

The exercise helped me to slip back in time to bear witness to my life.  Even though the material is several years old it still evoked memories of the events that sparked the journal entries. Some of the writing exhumed painful memories as I tended to write when I was disturbed by events in my life.

My earliest work – Haiku poetry – is the purest of the pieces.  It captures a naïve simplicity not found in later passages.  My current writing style is still very similar to that included in the transcribed journals.

My descriptions are of my emotional intelligence at the time of writing as opposed to a literal description of my surroundings and the events that shaped my early life.  The writing is cryptic and disjointed and reflects the manner in which thoughts occur to me and are captured for future reflection.

References are made to dreams, colors, fears, joys, and life dancing gaily on the edge of the world.

July 3, 2015.  All rights reserved.


  1. I'd love to read your haiku.

  2. Select "Poetry" under "Explore!" to view some of my haiku.

  3. A sample of my tanka is also included under "Poetry." Visit>/url> to view haiku written by members of the Whitesboro Writing Group ( and Dunham Public Library, Friends of Poetry, Plus (


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