Sunday, October 11, 2015

"... a Flower ... -- Georgia O'Keeffe"

"When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else."
-- Georgia O'Keeffe --

Picture Credits:  "Light of Iris (1924)" --

"Jimsome Weed" --

"Sunflower from Maggie" (1937) --

"Georgia O'Keeffe, A Portrait "-- Alfred Stieglitz --

"Oriental Poppies" (1928) --


  1. I once grew a humongous bed of jimson weed, also known as datura (a toxic plant part of which can be used as an hallucinogen. It opens its blooms at day's end and has a gorgeous scent. I'll send you an image of how big the thing can become.

  2. I like the jimsonweed. Put that on my list for next spring.

    1. I like it also ...I almost ordered a copy of the print today, but held back because I don't have any free real estate on my walls. Perhaps in the future:


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