Friday, April 15, 2016

"Friday; April 15, 2016"

Credits: ~ Peonies ~


  1. Did you know that the peony is one of the longest-lived perennial plants? Some live for a century or more, returning reliably even after the harshest of winters. Despite that, one soaking rain can easily decimate its gorgeous blooms. Every year in my garden, right after the fragrant blossoms open in the early June sunshine, we get what I have come to call the "peony rain". It never fails and always saddens me. Thus the majestic peony can be said to embody the relationship between beauty and longevity.

    1. No, I didn't know that about peonies. I'm familiar with what you call "peony rain" and share your sadness when it happens. It's on par with the spring many years ago when it snowed heavily after the lilacs had blossomed and were crushed by the weight of the snow. Very nicely put ... "the relationship between beauty and longevity."


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