Wednesday, August 26, 2015

"Featured Blog -- Whitesboro Writers Group Round Robin -- Open Call"

Picture Credit:  Crimson Studios

Whitesboro Writers Group

Open Call for Writing Collaborators!

A round robin is a serial novella written by several authors who take turns advancing the plot. One person begins with a "chapter" or "episode" to introduce the story line and the main character, then another writer chimes in with a new character of his/her choice and ties that character into the plot. This goes on as long as the writers are interested.

We want to hear from you! Pitch your idea as to what the next project theme or story arc should be on the Whitesboro Writers Group Round Robin Blog. Please use your initials or pen name if you don't want to use your real name, so we can get in touch with you if necessary. Then we'll vote on the most intriguing ideas and go from there.

This is very much a work in progress, so stay tuned, and let your ideas flow. The last group effort, Underweb Chronicleswas big fun and quite a success.  The series consists of forty-nine chapters written by six different authors. Help us make the next one even better ...


  1. Thank you for this! It's so much fun to participate in, because you never know what surprises and plot twists your fellow writers will come up with for you to work around. So please pitch your story ideas directly to the Round Robin don't have to be a member of the writing groups to join the fun.

  2. The picture of the colorful pencils are very colorful. They coordinate very well. The Round Robin sounds very interesting indeed.


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