Sunday, September 20, 2015

"Fabulous Finds ... The Story About Ping"

Another treasure that I recently found was a well-loved (i.e., worn, tattered, and stained) copy of the childrens' book The Story About Ping by Marjorie Flack and Kurt Wiese.  The book was first published in 1933.  It’s such a fabulous find because it is the first book I have any memory of reading -- the first book in my love affair with books. I paid a paltry dollar for this priceless gem.  

I had seen an image of the book's cover a few days earlier and decided that I'd buy a copy for myself when one was offered on eBay. The Universe was listening and I soon found myself with the copy of Ping in my hands. It's odd how things sometimes fall this way.

Ping is a colorfully illustrated story about a domesticated Chinese duck lost on the Yangtze River. … the National Education Association named the book one of its ‘Teachers Top 100 Books for Children’ …” [  Retrieved on September 18, 2015]

Do you remember reading Ping as a child?
Do you recall the first book you read?


  1. The day you told me about Ping is the first time I ever heard of it. Interesting though that this ethnic book was in your family's home...the first book I recall reading, which is by no stretch of imagination the first book I ever read, is one of the Nancy Drew series, or was it Trixie Belden? One of those 2 for sure.

    1. Ping was one of the book's in my Kindergarten's little library. Three shelves full of wonderful stories! Once I discovered that bookshelf I was hooked for life.

  2. I don't remember Ping when I was growing up. I remember Nancy Drew. I just can't recall. How sad.


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