Friday, September 25, 2015

"Salt & Pepper Shakers -- Wish List --- Jim Shore"


  1. Your collection is amazing, Miriam. You've an eye for beauty mixed with whimsy. Perfect examples of this in the collage above.

    Also interesting to me is the symbolism of S & P shakers. They're all about harmonizing the light and the dark (salt-light, dark- pepper) - in other words, we need both to create a tasty meal and a luscious life.

    1. I'm still searching for the sets depicted in the collage. I find the dichotomy of the sets interesting ... two equal and complimentary halves to the same puzzle.

    2. I'm still searching for the sets depicted in the collage. I find the dichotomy of the sets interesting ... two equal and complimentary halves to the same puzzle.


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