Saturday, January 09, 2016

"A Wandering of Tinkers"

Highland Scottish Tinkers

An interesting phrase, “A Wandering of Tinkers,”
is described in “An Exaltation of Larks”:
“The term is double-edged.  Itinerant tinkers mended household metalware, and in Scotland and Northern Ireland, gypsies -- who practiced, or pretended to practice, the trade -- were called tinkers, as were various ‘beggars, vagabonds, and performers,’ according to the OED.”

Another itinerant visitor was the "Rag-and-Bone Man"  I remember him collecting old clothing and scraps of fabric in my neighborhood as a child.  He drove an ancient truck filled with what-have-you -- a pioneering recycler of sorts?

Do you recall the "Rag-and-Bone Man?"

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