Monday, January 18, 2016

"Fabulous Finds -- Meyer Lemons"

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I went in search of a description for "Meyer Lemons" after I came across a reference to them while researching a recent posting to G&DT.  This variety of "lemon" is believed to be a hybrid between a mandarin orange and a lemon.  

Meyer lemons are reportedly sweeter than regular lemons and have a complex citrus taste resulting from the marriage of lemons and mandarin oranges.

These lemons are commercially grown in Florida, Texas, and California.  They are often not available in regions far from these states because they are challenging to ship and store.

I imagine the "Meyer Lemon Ricotta Cookies with a Lemon Glaze" referenced in a recent G&DT posting are quite a treat.  The recipe for these cookies is available at  Other recipes calling for "Meyer Lemons" can be found at

Now, I'm off to discover a source for "Meyer Lemons."

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