Saturday, February 13, 2016

"Fabulous Find -- The Singing Snowbear"

"The Singing Snowbear" (1999) -- Written & Illustrated by Artist Carol Grigg
Available from & Barnes & Noble

"When Snowbear hears a beautiful and mysterious sound coming across the ice floes, he wonders who or what is making it. Snowbear wants to learn how he can make this music too. The melodies haunt him until he feels he has to find out where they are coming from. He leaves his home and sets off across the ice to seek the music maker. Along the way he meets Walrus, Arctic Fox, and Raven, who give him advice but do little to help him in his long and arduous search. When he finally finds the source of the soulful sounds, it is not what he expected, and he is soon called upon to use his own strength and talents to rescue the mysterious music maker." -- as seen on

You may recall these watercolors 
by Carol Grigg posted December 7, 2015


  1. What animal is that in the upper left? A fox or coyote?

  2. I don't see what you're referring to ... but there is an "Arctic Fox" in the story.


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