Tuesday, February 09, 2016

"Fabulous Find -- The WWG Presents ... -- Whitesboro Writers Group"

The Whitesboro Writers Group Presents: Our Best Stories 2011-2105

by Whitesboro Writers & Edited by CJ Alexander

-- Kindle
-- $2.99 -- Read with Amazon.com’s Free App

The best?  Really?  In a word, yes.

Though most of the authors are mainly recreational writers, each put their heart and soul into their monthly assignments. What you will find in these pages are twelve writers’ original and personal favorite stories, which were written for Dunham Public Librarys two main writing groups. Everyone has developed a recognizable style over the past five years, carefully injecting humor, metaphor, drama and much more into their prose. The authors hope you’ll find something you can relate to, or be inspired by, in this little book of bests.

In this short anthology you will find flash fiction and creative non-fiction written between 2011-2015 by thirteen members of the local writing group. In no particular order, they are: Barbara-Epley-Shuck, Susan Hansen, Miriam E. Waters, 

Linna Miller, Jerry Finkelstein, CJ Alexander, Joan O. Scharf, HT Longale, Jeremy Mortis, Darius Blake, Dennis Kininger, Cheryl Palmer, and Ginny Enea. 

You'll find thirty-eight fine examples of their humor, horror, whimsy, rant, anecdote and memoir. Each story was hand-picked for inclusion by the person who wrote it. Part of the proceeds of each of the WWG’s books helps to support Dunham Public Library, and gives aspiring authors the right to say "I've been published." The writers hope you enjoy this and all of their other group books (available in Kindle format from Amazon.com).

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