Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A Peek at My Pottery Collection

Pictured is another quirky corner of my home ... the pottery collection is in a corner of the kitchen over a pie safe I built from a kit.  The collection is a mix of pieces from potter Dean White, "Blueberry" pieces from Salmon Falls Stoneware, a few pieces of Polish pottery, Syracuse China, and what have you.

The two plates peeking into the frame on the right are in the "Mandarin Blue" pattern by Wedgewood China.  The pattern dates from the 1870s.

If you look closely you can see two brass cow bells -- one smooth and the other embossed "1878 Saignelegier ... Chantel Fondeur."  The bell may be an original issue or a modern reproduction.  This one may be original because it is quite heavy, deeply embossed, and milled on the rim.

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