Friday, June 26, 2015

Lemon Dish

by Miriam E. Waters

I recently discovered that there is a piece of dinnerware devoted to the serving of lemon slices – a “Lemon Dish.”  I tried to research this odd little dish, but had no success in learning the origins or practices associated with the dish.

I searched an online auction site for antique or vintage pieces and discovered a wide variety of an item that I didn’t know existed.  I discovered a bevy of dishes made from china and glass.

The dishes were usually round with a hook that curled towards the center of the dish.  Some were gilded and many were hand decorated with delicate flowers.

It’s a quaint idea … reserving a special dish for such an unusual purpose.
I was thrilled a few days ago to find a heavy cut glass “Lemon Dish” for sale at a retirement village.  I arrived late in the day and found the little beauty overlooked and mixed in with a collection of other leftovers.  I asked the elderly woman selling the piece if she knew whether it was indeed a “Lemon Dish” and she admitted that she didn’t know.  I knew.  What else could it be?

I took my treasure home and hand-washed it.  Once cleaned, the little dish beamed with light refracting off its many cut surfaces.  I haven’t discovered a place for it yet, but I may have to begin collecting other “Lemon Dishes” to keep my beautiful oddity company.

November 11, 2014

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