Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Christmas Goose

by Miriam E. Waters

Lemon Blush was a shy cat and making new friends was always a challenge for her.  Awkward introductions and silences often resulted when she made the attempt to include someone new in her world.  It was easier to avoid the problem whenever possible.  It was lonelier, but certainly easier. 

She felt adventurous this bright winter’s morning and decided to introduce herself to the Christmas visitor.  The cat knew it to be a goose.  She had seen others when they landed on the pond outside the library’s windows.  She envied their elegant appearance and graceful ballet as they fell and rose from the pond’s surface.

She feigned disinterest as she studied the goose while lounging in the dust-dappled sunshine streaming in through the window.  A festive red ribbon adorned the goose’s black and tan body.  Its face was a mask of black and cream with just a hint of tan at its temples.  Unlike those other geese, a small saddle hugged her potential new playmate, empty and awaiting a rider.  The goose, she realized, was not leaving with all of the other seasonal visitors.

Lemon Blush flicked her tail and reached forward from a safe distance to gently swat at the edge of the Christmas goose’s bottom. The velvety pads on her paws brushed the visitor’s surprisingly hard body.  It was a friendly tap, intended to spark a bit of conversation.  The newcomer responded with an easy to-and-fro rocking.  How delightful.

Intrigued, Lemon Blush stole a few steps closer to her potential new friend.  The goose was no longer rocking as she slowly circled it.  Her body was tensed, ready to flee at the earliest hint of danger.  Lemon Blush peered into the stoical face of the goose, anticipating some sharp response.  None came. How odd.

Emboldened, she reached out, this time tapping the goose on its black beak.  Once again she was rewarded with motion by the goose.  Fascinating.

Lemon Blush stepped closer to the odd creature.  When she encountered no resistance, she rubbed her shoulders and head along the length of the goose’s body.  Now, marked with her scent, the little goose once again began to rock.

Satisfied, Lemon Blush mounted the goose’s back and curled herself into a cozy ring of fur in the saddle.

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