Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Starmaker

by Miriam E. Waters

High in the clear night sky, perched on a sliver of the moon, the Starmaker labors. She fashions stars from bits of dreams and glimmers from the moon. She arranges her completed stars on the blue velvet of night.

Far below, admirers nod their heads in the Earth-bound fields.  They hug their knees and marvel at the beauty and cleverness of the Starmaker’s creations.

Peering down, the Starmaker considers which of the watchers will recognize and embrace the promise of her ambition.  She turns and shapes another star. She dips her fingers into the blue blue coolness of the forever sky.  She snares a bit of whimsy and works to form the possible.

She studies the completed bit of wonder that she holds in her hand.   The gossamer star appears unsubstantial on her initial inspection.  The seemingly delicate strands are actually as finely wrought as bands of gold.  The incandescent orb vibrates with the glow of a blend of orange, yellow, and other rich hues.  She recognizes a prize of great value.

Settling back upon her heels she contemplates the uniqueness of her latest star. She’s imbued it with grace and beauty.  She breathes a sigh onto the star to lend it the vigor of hope itself.  Complete with these gifts, whoever holds the luminary will cradle a miracle within their hands.

The Starmaker kneels upon the very rim of the moon and gently releases her newest gift into the inkiness of the night sky.  She watches as the star tumbles down a path to those waiting in the fields.  A brilliant green streak marks the star’s passage to Earth.  Too quickly, the sky fades to darkness once again.

One of the watchers witnesses the star’s descent and rushes to claim the prize for herself.  She bends and gently plucks the star from the verdant field.  A caressing peacefulness fills the watcher’s heart as the star’s secrets resonate within her.  Her soul affirms the covenant offered by the Starmaker’s spark.

April 9, 2015.  All Rights Reserved.

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