Thursday, June 25, 2015

Featured Blog -- "Underweb Chronicles"

Welcome to a romp through the "Underweb."  This on-going project is produced using a round-robin approach to writing.   The  team of writers delivers a diverse set of characters, settings, and action. Come meet Queen Korre and learn of her goal to rule the Underweb,  and beyond.

In this experimental piece, a woman becomes so intrigued by the inner workings of the Internet that a part of her "soul" or "consciousness" is absorbed into her computer.  Once ensconced in this world, she quickly learns the ropes and rises to power as its Queen.

The story opens with Korre at the top of her reign. It will meander through the past,  present and future as “the plot thickens.” You will meet some additional characters.  Some of whom are  in her camp and some trying to overthrow her in a spectacular virtual coup d'etat. Who will emerge victorious?

Underweb Chronicles -- Chapter 1: Prologue
I was human for a great many years and there is one thing I know for sure.  It is  hard. It was too hard for me most of the time, and I am very, very resilient,  so it must be doubly, even triply hard for the likes of you. Read more ...

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like fun! I'll have to read this story for sure! :)


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