Monday, June 13, 2016

"Knitting -- The Master Plan" -- "Practice, Practice, Practice!"

As I mentioned earlier, the secret for creating neat, even, complete and attractive pieces is to practice, practice, practice!  Sooo, I've been practicing.

I went in search of real-life knitters at a group sponsored by the local library.  I'd never been to one of their meetings, so I worked up the courage to meet new people and attended my first session.

I brought my wonky practice piece to show my skills at casting on, the knit/purl/stockinette stitches, changing yarn colors, and casting off.  My goal for the day was to learn how to alternate knit and purl stitches in the same row.

A  friendly group member, "Shirley," showed me the simple trick of alternating the k&p stitches.  She also suggested knitting four stitches at each end of a row to prevent the knitted fabric from "rolling."  I spent the remainder of the session practicing my new skills.

I've been using size "8" needles -- an average/medium size -- for my practice pieces.   Someone in the group gave me a pair of HUGE size "17" needles -- clear orange acrylic -- to use.  I sifted through my yarn stash and came up with some size "6"/"Super Bulky" "Bernat Blanket"yarn to use with these new needles.  They were a bit awkward to use at first, but I've got a rhythm going now so it's all good.

I thought the size "17" needles were over-the-top until I saw a pair of MONSTROUS needles in a Lion Brand Yarn tutorial for the "Calais Afghan."  After a bit, the instructor suggested the designer use Size "50" "circular needles" to achieve the same effect as the original needles.  Check out the tutorial found at
to see the needles for yourself!

My plan is to continue working my way through Kniting for Dummies", learning how to read knitting instruction charts, and trying my hand at knitting a mitten!  We'll see how my plan works out ...

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