Wednesday, June 22, 2016

"Knitting -- The Master Plan" -- "Session No. 3."

I attended another session of the local library's needlecraft group today ... it was a full house with eight participants!  
I've got the faces down, now I'm working on the names of the group members.  It's easy to remember "Shirley," because she was the first member I met and she's been extremely helpful.

Today Shirley helped me to explore the mysteries and challenges of circular needles.  I was able to knit a few rows and picked up a few tips for working with the alternate form of knitting needles.  I'm saving the "YouTube" exploration for another day.

Shirley also provided some pointers for reversing mistakes ...
a hot topic for me.  I'm forever dropping one of the needles resulting in all of the stitches landing in my lap sans needle. Trying to make sense of picking up the stitches without twisting their orientation is a bit tricky. She promised more help with this topic next week.

After practicing for awhile, I decided it was time to pick up my crochet hook and work at something I know and love.  I'll resume my quest to learn to knit another day.

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